Better Your Credit Before You Sign Your Next Apartment Lease

Is your credit score standing between you and your next apartment? No need to stress, there are several ways to improve your credit score. Landlords look at prospective renter’s credit scores to prove they are able to pay rent on time. Sometimes, when torn between prospective tenants, landlords will simply look to the credit scores Read More »
Avoid the Penalties of Breaking an Apartment Lease

When you sign a lease, you are signing a contract where you agree to pay for a specific apartment unit for a specified duration. Although you pay rent each month, you are most likely not signing a month to month lease, rather a fixed-term lease. Upon completion of the fixed-term, your landlord may give you Read More »
Considerations for Climate-Controlled Storage

You most likely have accumulated many belongings over the years. Many renters use climate-controlled storage units for items they don’t need on a regular basis. As even the largest apartments only have so much space, this is a wise choice to prevent clutter piling up. Some communities provide climate-controlled storage as an amenity available to Read More »
Protect Yourself Against Apartment Rental Scams

Most people aren’t considering the possibility of a rental scam when searching for their next apartment. As apartment hunters are eagerly looking for their next spot to live, their emotions betray them and make them easy prey for scammers. Rental scammers take many shapes, so keep your eyes peeled for shifty behavior What is a Read More »
Maximize Your Studio Apartment

If you’re a student, a minimalist, or simply prefer to live on your own, a studio apartment is a great way to go. A studio apartment will cover the basics for an excellent price, the only downfall is the lack of space. Fortunately, it’s not about how much space you have, but how you use Read More »
Hosting in Your Apartment

When the holidays come around, you may start to think about how you’re going to host your family and friends. Hosting even a small get together in your apartment might seem difficult, not to mention a large gathering. While any successful celebration will take work, utilize the advice below to organize the greatest gathering in Read More »
Foods the Garbage Disposal Was Not Designed For

Apartments have many wonderful amenities and appliances. One that fails to receive recognition is the garbage disposal. As everyone has to eat, everyone has to prepare food, which leads the to the logical assumption you use your garbage disposal almost each day, if not every day. Due do to the frequent usage of the garbage Read More »
Economical Strategies to Soundproof Your Apartment

Apartments are located in the center of vibrant neighborhoods to keep their residents close to all the action and fun of the city. This makes it easy to go out and do what you want to do, but you don’t want to hear the noise of the street while you sleep. Most tenants think it’s Read More »
Don’t Forget to Clean the Fan

Fans are a great way to combat the heat for folks without air conditioning. Even if you have air conditioning, fans provide white noise that makes falling asleep easier, while supplying a gentle breeze to keep you from overheating. The more you use your fan, the more dust and dirt builds up on it. It Read More »
Don’t Adopt These Plants if You Have Pets or Children

Plants work wonders such as purifying the air, lifting your spirits, and make any space more inviting. However, if you have pets or children, you can never to too careful, and there are some plants you should keep out of your apartment. You may have heard of some of these common plants, and you may Read More »