Navigating an Issue With a Neighbor

Navigating an Issue With a Neighbor 2

Living in an apartment comes with an awesome feeling of community. You will get to enjoy meeting plenty of great, like-minded people. However, you can’t rule out the possibility of having a difficulty with a neighbor. Most people are respectful and don’t want any trouble. You will almost always be able to sort things out Read More »

Make a Spot to Study in Your Apartment

make a study spot in your apartment

Nothing beats the freedom of living off campus, but the catch is you may be a bit further away from libraries and other buildings to study at. Fortunately, it’s easy to create a spot in your apartment for you to study. Designating a spot to study in your apartment will allow you to focus better Read More »

Keep Spiders Out of Your Apartment

Keep Spiders Out of Your Apartment 2

There are spiders native to every state. Some of us love them, others fear them, either way, no one is welcoming them into their apartment. There are many methods to keeping spiders out of your apartment. If you find spiders in your apartment, there are strategies to trap them and keep them away for good. Read More »

How to Fight Your Apartment’s Drafts

How to Fight Your Apartments Drafts 2

The insulation in old buildings has worn away causing them to poorly retain heat and air conditioning. With age, the doors won’t sit on the hinges as well and the windows won’t fit just right, creating drafts. Fortunately, there are many ways to fight the inevitable drafts in older apartment buildings. Managing the Drafts You Read More »

Cleaning Supplies Need to be Cleaned

How to Clean Your Cleaning Supplies 2

People like to use the excuse, “cleaning supplies get cleaned when you clean,” but that simply isn’t true. Your cleaning supplies do not get cleaned when you clean, rather, they get dirty, requiring a cleaning to be able to clean properly. Take a look at your cleaning supplies and decide for yourself if you need Read More »

Granite Cleaning

Granite Cleaning 2

Granite is gorgeous all on its own, and with the number of colors and patterns to choose from, it’s a perfect addition to any apartment. Due to its versatility and appeal, many luxury apartments equip their units with granite in their kitchens and bathrooms. Granite is an excellent way to enhance the monetary worth of Read More »

Free Your Apartment of Fruit Flies

Free Your Apartment of Fruit Flies 2

Fruit flies feed on sugary substances, and that is why they are most commonly found buzzing around your fruit dish and even alcohol. A fruit fly infestation can be detrimental to your kitchen. Fruit flies have the ability to produce as much as five hundred eggs at once! If you do not act fast, your Read More »

Deep-Clean an Apartment Kitchen

Deep Clean an Apartment Kitchen 2

It is important to clean the kitchen every day, but it is necessary to exceed a standard kitchen cleaning once each week to keep your daily cleanings minimal. If you’re expecting company or if your kitchen needs a little more love than usual, this list will help you get your kitchen looking ship-shape. Budget about Read More »

Clean Your Light Fixtures

Clean Your Light Fixtures 2

It is important to maintain your lights and light fixtures cleanliness to have the best light in your apartment. As with everything in life, safety first. Never try to immediately clean a lightbulb or light fixture that has been on for any duration of time, always allow it to completely cool before cleaning. You will Read More »

How to Keep Your Roommates Happy

How to Keep Your Roommates Happy 2

Living in the city normally means a higher cost of living. Most people choose to split an apartment with a roommate or two to keep costs down. While it can be difficult at times, it’s usually a fun experience and better than living alone. Set yourself up for success and keep these tips in mind Read More »